仅去年一年,企业电子邮件和网络通信遭受攻击就给全球组织造成了 125 亿美元的损失,如今一次网络钓鱼攻击平均会造成约 1800 万美元的损失。
Undoubtedly, businesses today are more vulnerable than ever to cybersecurity threats. Although many are expanding upon the tactics, products, and processes used to protect their information, fraudsters continue to lurk in the shadows, ready to exploit any and all vulnerabilities.
Making your business more digitally resilient isn’t just about managing risk; it’s also a strategic issue that impacts your organizational effectiveness and customer relationships, resulting in business disruption, opportunity loss, and reputational damage.
Centific enables enterprise organizations not only to block and mitigate cyber threats, but to predict and prepare in advance.