
不可否认,社交媒体在从塑造人类行为到影响企业运营方式等各个方面起着不可忽视的作用,49 亿人或者说全世界超过 60% 的人都在使用社交媒体。73% 的营销人员认为,他们通过社交媒体开展的营销活动对其业务“略微有效”或“非常有效”。
How Businesses Can  Use Technology to Fight  Abusive Language

At the same time, the popularity of social media has a downside, including the rise of abusive language – or expressing hatred of a particular group of people. Abusive language has wreaked havoc on social media. Abusive language harms people and degrades society. From a business standpoint, abusive language also creates serious brand safety issues. Let’s take a closer look at the problem and how to fight it.

Severity of the Problem

Unfortunately, abusive language is a widespread problem, as the following data indicates:

  • 48% of people globally report experiencing threats including sustained bullying (5 percent), stalking (7 percent), and account takeover by someone they know (6 percent).
  • Over the past 3 years, the odds of users experiencing abuse have increased by 1.3 times.
  • 41% of Americans reported personally experiencing varying degrees of harassment and bullying online, in a survey by Pew in 2017. Globally, 40 percent of people reported similar experiences.

And the problem will only get worse as more social media apps take hold. TikTok, which did not even exist until recently, is now a worldwide phenomenon. Unfortunately, more people using TikTok also means a rise in abusive language.

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