
Centific 编者
Employees training

The war for talent in the technology industry rages on against the backdrop of the Great Reshuffle. Employers everywhere are taking a harder look at the ways they can retain great talent. They’re finding time and again that a strong culture of belonging and personal development makes a difference. Likewise, during the Great Reshuffle, employees have re-evaluated what they want from an employer. A commitment to investing in people is part of the answer.

This is especially true during the past 24 months, which have been a time of upheaval for employees around the world. That’s why so many businesses are doubling down on upskilling and training to attract and keep employees. In particular, the Gen Z and Millennial generations, which compose an increasingly larger segment of the global workforce, value learning and development opportunities highly:

Training preferences

Centific is among the employers responding. We recently announced a partnership with Udemy Business, the corporate learning division of Udemy, a leading destination for learning and teaching online. As part of our relationship, full-time Centific employees will have access to more than 6,000 online training courses, labs, and certification programs taught by Udemy's faculty of real-world experts.

The partnership is the latest initiative in Centific's ongoing commitment to employee well-being and professional development. The Udemy Business courses are well-suited to help the company's workforce members interpret and apply data, leverage emerging technologies, reimagine existing business models, and hone their business skills.

The relationship is aligned with our corporate values, which include exploration, collaboration, drive, and trust. We value people from all walks of life to help strengthen our culture of empathy and inclusiveness. Udemy's network of real-world experts teaches topics ranging from programming and data science to leadership and team building. Udemy Business will provide Centific employees a training and development platform with subscription access to thousands of courses, learning analytics, and in-depth certification preparation.

The slate of courses is appropriate to encourage the intellectual exploration that a knowledge-based company like ours thrives on. We hire and develop bright, intellectually curious minds who are tackling some of the thorniest, challenging problems businesses face today, such as how to apply artificial intelligence in a mindful way that keeps people at the center of an inclusive experience. The race to reinvent never stops. Transforming businesses with technology and experience-led design doesn’t happen without a workforce that continuously learns and improves.

As our CEO Venkat Rangapuram said when we announced the partnership, “Ensuring our employees are continuously ahead of the technology curve is critical in driving the innovative business outcomes our customers rely on us for. This new partnership with Udemy allows Centific employees to update their skills and provides the opportunity to explore new fields of interest as well.”

In addition, Udemy’s flexible, personal format of training is well suited to our culture of inclusiveness. Rigid training programs that benefit only a few are out. Flexible training that empowers all our people is in.

If a business considers its people its strongest asset, then it’s important that the organization nurture people and help them deliver the strongest performance possible. At the same time, people are flesh and blood. They have personal values, goals, and needs. The Udemy relationship is one way we’re uplifting our people.

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/0K7GgiA8lVE